Water water everywhere

Monday morning dawned cloudy and dark. I wasn't there to see it, but Emi woke up...and bugged me to get up. No way, I said, as I pulled the blankets over my head. At 7am, she walks back in the bedroom and announces that the Seahorse won't open until 8pm. I think I muttered something evil into my pillow and closed my eyes tight. Emi flopped down into bed to wait out the next hour...and promptly fell back to sleep.

As we both slept, the thunderstorm came to a head: thunder and lightning and sheets upon sheets of rain. I dreamt I was in the middle of the ocean, rocking back and forth peacefully, watching the lightning peacefully strike around me...Emi apparently dreamed she was drowning. Go figure.

We woke up finally about 8:30, after the thunder finally rumbled into the distance, and headed to the Seahorse. And, less than half-way there, the downpour started again. So we ran, me faster than you'd expect a fat girl to run, Emi leaping over puddles in her flip-flops. We sat in the diner and drank bad coffee and waited for the storm to pass...but it didn't. It just kept raining. It'd slack off for a few minutes, then pick up stronger than ever. Finally, Emi couldn't sit still for even a second longer, and we decided to run for it...again. By this point, all of the storm drains were clogged, and puddles had formed that came up to my ankle -- as I quickly discovered. By the time we ran through the front door, we were both soaked.

So we waited. No milk or eggs or cheese in the house, and it's storming too hard to go to the grocery store.

Then, almost magically, it began to clear up. We headed to the trolley stop, and before you know it there we were at the Publix. Emi bought two dresses, and we bought a ton of groceries...at least, it felt like a ton as we lugged them all to the trolley stop just in time to miss a trolley. So we sat in the uber-humid air with our milk getting warm, slapping ants off our feet and chatting with a local as we waited for a half-hour for the next one.

After all the rain in the morning, you'd think we would have had enough of water...but no way. Absolutely not! Never enough! Time to go swimming.

Which was beautiful, of course. Lots of waves still from the storm, and stormclouds still in the east, but that made it all the more beautiful.

And then this morning we went kayaking. After a bagel and coffee, we headed out to the gulf and paddled down to the Don and back. Lots of waves still, but nothing we couldn't handle. Don't we sound tough? There was lots of seaweed loose in the waves, probably brought up from the storm. We also saw a dolphin, but it didn't come close enough to play with us.

It was only 11am, but I was starving, and practically fell over myself to make a tuna sandwich and subsequently inhale it. Then, this afternoon, we went swimming again.

There are more thunderstorms in the forecast, which means more rain, the big-dropped type rain where the sky dumps the ocean on the land.

I'm looking forward to it.