...skip day...

Some days exist and some don't. Or, at least, in my random reality that how I think of things. There's the days that exist and the days that are "skipped" -- and that's the beauty of our time here in florida.

Two days ago we took the trolley to the grocery store. After our discovery of the crack-laced ice cream at the ice cream store, we finally decided to do something about it: namely, buy some ice cream at the Publix. We walked in with the plan of buying a thing of ice, and putting the ice cream together with the ice so that we could get it home without it melting to ooky ice cream dribble. But we did a once-over of the dollar store, and found a little disposable-type cooler for a mere buck -- perfect! Emi was able to fit the entire cooler into her backpack, and we put two half-gallons of ice cream (mint chocolate chip for Emi, chocolate-chip cookie dough for me) plus two pounds of fish into that thing, and got everything back safely. And, the best discovery was that, since we both have student ID's, we don't have to pay as much money for the trolley! Quite the day all in all.

Then, yesterday, we were supposed to go kayaking again, but I convinced Emi that I needed to not kayak but instead do Shakespeare-related work (silly work), and that then we'd do a longer kayaking trip on a different day. Good plan, huh? I got some work done, but we spend half the day playing silly video games and being silly in general. And we scooped our own ice cream cones and wandered to the beach for sunset.

And then, today, Emi set her alarm for the much-too-early time of 8am, and we scurried through our morning (I'm being sarcastic here) and put the kayak in the water shortly before 10. We took a leisurely trip south through the islands, and then came back on the gulf side of Shell Island. It was amazing: we saw a ton of amazing birds, and had 12- to 18-inch fish jumping all around us half the trip. We got back around 2pm, sunburned and happy. And I have yet to do any work whatsoever. Oy.

It feels like the last many days have flown by without doing anything "useful." Which, in some reality, I'm sure that a day without producing anything useful is a "wasted" day -- a skip day. I'm not sure which one of our days was a "skip day" -- perhaps all of them? But I can say for sure that I plan on skipping days as often as possible.