New life

I wanted to add the smaller bits of today, and the gardening that I enjoyed while Hannah was napping...

We were starving after we finally got off the bloody Supershuttle, and went in search of noms somewhere on the beach... riding the trolley to Publix to find food was not an option. First, we tried the ever-so-lovable Seaside, but I'd forgotten the evil name change (Paradise Grill WTF?), new management, and price hike ($7 for an effing sandwhich? This is not Manhattan, people). We ordered, and paid, and waited. They were out of root beer, so of course, I got coke. The coke that came had a strand of the cashier girl's long, orange hair in it. I picked it out and me and Hannah just looked at each other. Then there came the announcement that they didn't have garden burgers. So there we were, baking in the hot sun, starving half to death, and sleep-deprived, and they're out of garden burgers. Basically, Hannah went into bitch-them-out mode and demanded our money back. And boy did we get it back. Then we took our business elsewhere. And by elsewhere, I mean the Hurricane. I ordered a grilled salmon sandwich with fries and a root beer. Let me say: BEST MEAL OF MY LIFE. If only because I was starving. I still have a small piece of leftovers in the fridge that I'm eating for lunch tomorrow. Oh, the good life

I gardened while Hannah napped. This involved standing under the broad expanse of stormy sky, watching the gathering clouds twist and darken, as I got out tools. I swept the sidewalk of the dead blooms, trimmed multiple plants that were in the way, and began to process of taking out my giant agave plant that just died in the freeze. Fire ants have moved into his corpse, and so I just hacked off a few of the leaves looking for any babies that he had sheltered. I found two babies, and a ton of little spores from the giant offspring shoot he sent out just before he died. I'm gonna dig him the rest of the way out and re-plant the babies tomorrow. Hopefully, after shopping, we'll go swimming. I can't wait to get in the water.

Breakfast at the Seahorse tomorrow. Whatever shall we do with leisure time in sunny Florida where there are supposed to be random thunderstorms, blazing sun, and 80 degree weather all week?